7th ESGLI Study Group for Legionella Infections meeting, Chania, Crete, Greece 23-24 October 2023


7th ESGLI meeting, 2023 –

ESCMID logo 150X150px  Abstract submission
The abstract submission platform is now closed.

Kindly visit the following link (the same you can visit for the registration procedure at https://esgli2023.synedry.com/home.aspx, create a profile (at the orange box on the right) and submit your abstract. The abstract for either Oral presentation or Poster presentation needs to have maximum 350 words. Every abstract should include introduction, materials/methods, results, conclusions and 3-4 keywords.

The updated and final deadline for abstract submission was the 10th of September 2023.

The abstract acceptance notification was sent on the 24th of September.






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